Will A Metal Detector Pick Up Stainless Steel?

Will A Metal Detector Pick Up Stainless Steel?

Metal detecting is a popular and extremely exciting hobby. It connects you to nature and it brings people together. Metal detectors can be used for many purposes. For example, they can be used for uncovering buried treasures, finding lost items or hunting for relics.

However, there are many people who wonder whether a metal detector is able to find stainless steel or not. Especially, because a lot of jewelry contains stainless steel! So….

….Will a metal detector find stainless steel?

Yes, a metal detector can detect most grades of stainless steel. However, it’s not always as straightforward as one might assume. Stainless steel is a low-conductive metal with minimal magnetic properties, making detection a bit more challenging.

As a result, the size of the stainless steel object becomes crucial for successful detection by a metal detector. Therefore, the object made of stainless steel has to be big enough in order to be detected by a metal detector.

In this blog, I will provide you with information about stainless steel and its characteristics, as well as the wide range of objects that are made from this material. Additionally, I will explain the challenges involved in detecting stainless steel with a metal detector.

As a bonus, I will recommend some reliable metal detectors that can be used for locating stainless steel items. Enjoy reading!

What is stainless steel?

Stainless steel is general ‘’term’’ for an iron-based alloy consisting of chromium, nickel, iron, carbon, molybdenum and sometimes copper or titanium.

The main component is chromium and this makes stainless steel extremely suitable for many applications (especially construction and engineering). The reason for this is because chromium ensures that stainless steel is highly resistant to corrosion and rusting.

Furthermore, stainless steel possesses exceptional strength and toughness, boasting a high tensile strength. Additionally, stainless steel is highly resistant to staining, making it a durable and long-lasting material.

It is also known for its ease of cleaning and is considered a recyclable material. Moreover, stainless steel can withstand high temperatures and endure extreme weather conditions, further enhancing its versatility and reliability.

What kind of things are made of stainless steel?

Different objects that are made of stainless steel. Think about watches, cutlery and bracelets.

You might, based on the previous subheading, wonder what kind of things are made of stainless steel. You will be surprised by the amount of things that contain stainless steel! I will especially mention the most valuable things since these are the most important for metal detecting.

Stainless steel is used in many products. Think about things like kitchen appliances, cutlery, construction materials, jewelry and surgical instruments. Furthermore, stainless steel is widely used in the automotive industry and in industrial equipment like tanks.

We are, on the other hand, especially focused on finding valuable objects with the metal detector! With your metal detector you will be able to find the following things that contain stainless steel:

  • Luxury watches. Very often, the case of the watch is made of stainless steel!
  • Jewelry. Think about things like bracelets, necklaces and earrings.
  • Rings. Many rings contain components of stainless steel!
  • Coins. Some really old coins contain stainless steel. From centuries ago!
  • Military attributes. Some military objects contain stainless steel. Think about a soldier’s helmet for example!
  • Musical instruments. Think about saxophones and trumpets.

Why is it so difficult to detect stainless steel with a metal detector?

Despite the theoretical ability to detect stainless steel with a metal detector, it often proves to be challenging in practice. There are several reasons for this.

Stainless steel, being a ferrous metal due to its iron content, poses a challenge for metal detectors. Its low conductivity and limited magnetic properties make it particularly difficult to detect using standard metal detectors.

To put it in perspective, the electrical conductivity of stainless steel is only about 3 to 4% of that of copper. Additionally, stainless steel’s high content of austenite, a non-magnetic iron phase, results in its low magnetic properties.

Due to these characteristics, detecting stainless steel with a metal detector becomes challenging. Larger stainless steel objects are generally easier to detect compared to smaller and thinner items that incorporate stainless steel.

How does my metal detector respond to stainless steel?

When your metal detector detects an object made of pure stainless steel, it will typically emit a weak, low, and inconsistent sound. This is because stainless steel is ferrous, low-conductive, and has low magnetic properties.

However, if the target contains copper, silver, or other highly conductive metals in addition to stainless steel, your metal detector may also produce high tones. This is because highly conductive metals elicit high, clear, and consistent tones from the metal detector.

Therefore, it is important to note that your metal detector may not always produce low tones when detecting stainless steel. It largely depends on the composition of the target object. Pure stainless steel targets are more likely to result in low tones.

Does my metal detector respond different to steel compared to stainless steel?

Steel is different than stainless steel because it has other magnetic properties and conductivity. Steel is, unlike stainless steel, way more magnetic and conductive. Therefore, your metal detector will produce different tones for steel compared to stainless steel.

Your metal detector will produce high, clear and loud tones when it detects steel. If your metal detector, on the other hand, detects stainless steel, it will produce low, weak and soft sounds. The reason for this are the differences in magnetic properties and conductivity.

How to detect stainless steel with a metal detector?

To improve your chances of finding stainless steel with a metal detector, there are several key factors to consider. First, it is important to use a metal detector specifically designed to detect low-magnetic metals. This type of detector will be more effective in locating stainless steel.

Next, ensure that your metal detector is set to a high sensitivity level. This will increase its ability to detect small or low-magnetic objects. Avoid excessive discrimination of metals, as this may result in filtering out the signals from stainless steel.

Using a small search coil can also enhance your chances of finding stainless steel. A smaller coil is more sensitive and capable of detecting smaller or low-magnetic objects.

Additionally, make use of the ground balance function on your metal detector. This helps to eliminate interference and optimize detection in different soil conditions.

Lastly, consider employing the correct swinging technique while using your metal detector. A smooth and consistent swing pattern will allow the detector to cover more ground effectively.

Best metal detectors for detecting stainless steel

It is really difficult to detect stainless steel with a metal detector. It is therefore extremely important that you are using a proper metal detector that will be able to recognize stainless steel. There are many good metal detectors on the market.

The best metal detectors for detecting stainless steel are machines that can easily detect objects that are non-magnetic or low-magnetic. Some good metal detectors are therefore The Nokta Makro Simplex +, the Minelab Equinox 600/700/800 or the Garret AT Pro.

These machines are suitable because they have an adjustable sensitivity level, a discrimination function, a ground balance setting and they can operate at a high frequency. With these settings, the metal detector is able to distinguish the stainless steel from ground mineralization and at the same time reach a great detection depth!

What kind of stainless steel are there?

There are around 100 different types of stainless steel depending on their properties and applications. The most common types of stainless steel are:

  • Austenitic stainless steel. This kind of stainless steel is commonly used in kitchen appliances and food processing equipment.
  • Martensitic stainless steel. This is a very hard and strong type of stainless steel. Because of these properties, it is often used in knives and other cutting equipment.
  • Ferritic stainless steel. This contains high amounts of chromium. It is therefore corrosion resistant and it is also magnetic.

However, there are way more types of stainless steel. Think about duplex stainless steel, 410 stainless steel, 316 stainless steel, precipitation-hardening stainless steel and 17-4 PH stainless steel.

Does stainless steel set off airport metal detectors?

An airport metal detector that reacts to stainless steel.

Many people wonder whether a metal detector at the airport can detect stainless steel. They want to know this because they have to bring stainless steel through these detectors. The answer is….

Yes, stainless steel can set off airport metal detectors. However, this depends on the sensitivity of the metal detector, the type of stainless steel and the size of the object. Airport metal detectors are normally set to detect larger amounts of metal. This means that it probably won’t recognize little jewelry or other personal items made of stainless steel.

In general, airport metal detectors with high a sensitivity will be more likely to detect stainless steel. Furthermore, stainless steel with higher magnetic properties will be detected sooner than stainless steel with low magnetic properties.

Moreover, if the object contains more metal (because it is bigger), it will be more likely to be detected by the metal detector at the airport.

If you want to be sure that you get through the metal detector without setting it off, it is wise to take off any metal object that you are carrying.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are all types of stainless steel equally detectable by a metal detector?

No, not all the types of stainless steel are equally detectable by a metal detector. This depends on the magnetic properties of the type of stainless steel. Stainless steel types with lower magnetic permeability are more difficult to detect.

What kind of search coil is the best for detecting stainless steel?

It is the best to use a small search coil for detecting stainless steel. The reason for this is because a small coil provides better sensitivity and accuracy. This is due to the small electromagnetic field that the small search coil emits.

How can I reduce interference from other metals when detecting stainless steel with a metal detector?

The best way to reduce interference from other metals when detecting stainless steel is to use the discrimination function of the metal detector. This basically means that you ”set off” or ”eliminate” the metals that you don’t want to find. When you do this, the metal detector will only recognize stainless steel. Furthermore, you should consider to use the ground balance function.

Can a metal detector detect stainless steel in the water?

Yes. a metal detector can detect stainless steel in the water. However, the maximum detection depth will be lower compared to detecting stainless steel on land.

How deep can a metal detector detect stainless steel?

A metal detector can detect stainless steel up to 4-9” (10 to 25 cm). The maximum detection depth depends on several factors like size, shape, type of metal detector and soil conditions. Therefore, the detection range may differ between each target made of stainless steel.


Hello Everyone, I am Jarno. I have been interested in metal detecting from an early age. I created this website to give you information about metal detecting.

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