Will A Metal Detector Find Lead?

Can a metal detector find lead?

After spending some time metal detecting, you’ll likely become familiar with the types of metals your metal detector can detect. The most frequently encountered metals include iron, aluminum, and copper. However, there are also numerous old objects that contain lead.

For certain farmers, it becomes crucial to locate these lead objects as they pose a threat to the soil. Lead can be toxic to crops, and excessive exposure to lead is harmful to human health as well. Consequently, it’s important to take measures to prevent lead contamination in the soil. So…

… Can a metal detector pick up lead?

Yes, nearly all modern metal detectors have the capability to detect lead, despite its low conductivity and non-magnetic properties. This is because lead, being a metal, can be detected by metal detectors, as the name suggests.

In this blog, I will provide you with comprehensive information on detecting lead with a metal detector. By the end of this blog, you will have a good understanding of the valuable lead objects that can be found using a metal detector.

Additionally, you will learn about the top metal detectors for detecting lead and the importance of exercising caution while searching for lead.

What is lead and what kind of objects are made of lead?

The definition of lead.

Lead, with its atomic number 82 and symbol Pb, is a chemical element that has been utilized for various purposes throughout history due to its wide availability on Earth.

In the past, lead found applications as a roofing material, in the form of plumb bobs, for making pencils, as a fuel source, for crafting figurines and utensils, and even in the production of cups. One of the most familiar uses of lead to us is in the manufacturing of bullets, particularly musket balls.

In modern times, lead is commonly used for soldering joints, as an electrode in batteries, in submarine cables, and as protection against gamma radiation in dental and medical settings.

What kind of valuable lead objects can be found with a metal detector?

As you can see, there are numerous lead objects that can be found on Earth. However, our focus lies on identifying valuable lead objects that can be discovered using a metal detector.

With the help of a metal detector, you have the opportunity to uncover fascinating lead artifacts. Consider items such as miniature figurines, ancient utensils, Civil War bullets, fishing tools, trading seals, and post-medieval tokens.

Take a look at the images below showcasing these remarkable lead discoveries made possible by metal detecting.

Some valuable lead objects that can be found with a metal detector.

Can every metal detector find lead?

Since there is interest in finding valuable lead objects with a metal detector, many people wonder if every metal detector can detect lead.

The answer is yes. With advancements in technology, every modern metal detector available on the market can detect larger pieces of lead, despite lead being low-conductive and non-magnetic.

In fact, these modern metal detectors are designed to produce distinct sounds when detecting lead. In the following section, we will discuss the specific sound indications for lead.

However, it’s worth noting that not all metal detectors are equally effective at detecting very small pieces of lead. Only newer models equipped with multiple frequencies are capable of reliably detecting such smaller lead items.

What kind of sound does a metal detector produce when it detects lead?

Most metal detectors are designed to produce distinct sounds for different types of targets, including lead.

Lead, like aluminum, silver, and copper, is classified as a non-ferrous metal. When a metal detector detects non-ferrous metals, it typically generates high and strong sounds.

Therefore, when you’re specifically searching for lead, you can disregard the low and weak tones that often indicate iron and other undesirable metallic objects. The metal detector will emit a high tone when it detects lead.

In the video below, you can observe how a metal detector produces high tones in response to lead targets.

How can I avoid that I find lead with a metal detector?

As mentioned earlier, lead belongs to the category of non-ferrous metals, along with coins, thimbles, and jewelry.

Identifying lead during metal detecting can be challenging due to its non-ferrous nature. However, if you have a modern metal detector with advanced features, you can use the target ID function to discriminate against lead.

Many metal detectors come equipped with a discrimination function that allows you to selectively ignore certain metals you don’t wish to find.

However, it’s important to note that most metal detectors can only differentiate between ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and may not provide specific discrimination for lead.

Ferrous and non-ferrous materials that will be displayed on the metal detector.

Lead is just as silver, copper and aluminum a non-ferrous metal which makes it really difficult to distinguish lead from valuable objects.

Modern metal detectors, such as the Minelab Equinox 800, have a target ID discrimination function. This feature allows the metal detector to discern and ignore specific targets based on their unique properties. As a result, these metal detectors are capable of effectively discriminating lead.

What are the best metal detectors for finding lead?

As mentioned earlier, while large pieces of lead can be detected with any modern metal detector, smaller pieces require more advanced models, often with multiple frequencies.

Recommended metal detectors for detecting both large and small lead objects include the Garret AT Pro, the Nokta Makro Simplex+, and the Minelab Equinox 600/700 or 800.

However, there are many other good metal detectors on the market to find lead. The main functions that the metal detector needs to find lead are a discrimination function and a sensitivity function.

The Garret AT Pro

The Garret AT Pro

  • Discrimination function
  • Sensitivity function
  • Ground balance function
  • Pinpoint function
The Nokta Makro Simplex + Metal Detector

Nokta Makro Simplex +

  • Discrimination function
  • Sensitivity function
  • Ground balancing
  • Target ID
The Minelab Equinox 800 Metal Detector.

Minelab Equinox 800

  • Discrimination function
  • Sensitivity function
  • Ground balancing
  • Target ID

Why you should be careful when hunting for lead

Lead is a dense and toxic metal that can be found in various environmental sources, including soil, food, drinking water, and ambient air. Excessive exposure to lead can result in lead poisoning, which has a range of negative health effects.

Lead poisoning can manifest as abdominal pain, insomnia, nervous system damage, irritability, and headaches. To protect yourself, especially when handling old lead objects, it is essential to exercise caution.

Wearing proper gloves is crucial, and it’s important to avoid touching your mouth after coming into contact with lead. Always remember to wash your hands thoroughly before eating or drinking.

In my other blog, you can find more information about the potential dangers and risks associated with metal detecting.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are there old coins made of lead that can be found with a metal detector?

Yes, there are some ancient coins that are made of lead. However, there are not much of them since lead is a toxic metal. The most of these lead coins date from the Greeks and Romans.

Do I need to use gloves when I am hunting for lead with my metal detector?

It is wise to use gloves when you have to touch old lead. The reason for this is because a too high concentration of lead can cause health problems. Therefore, you should always avoid to hold lead in your bare hands.

Is the material lead worth something?

This depends on the amount of lead that you have collected. The current price is $0.44/lbs which means that you have to collect a lot of lead in order to make some good money of it.


Hello Everyone, I am Jarno. I have been interested in metal detecting from an early age. I created this website to give you information about metal detecting.

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