I Keep Finding Trash With My Metal Detector (How To Stop It)

I keep finding trash with a metal detector.

Have you ever experienced a situation where you only seem to find trash while metal detecting? It can be quite frustrating, especially when you know the potential for discovering fascinating items with your metal detector.

Fortunately, there are several strategies you can employ to minimize the amount of trash you encounter during your metal detecting sessions.

The reason why you are finding trash is because you use the wrong metal detector settings. Furthermore, it might be possible that you use the wrong coil size or wrong coil shape. Last but not least, it might be possible that you are detecting at the wrong place.

Of course, this sounds a little bit bluntly but don’t worry. In this article I will explain you all the reasons why you keep finding trash instead of cool, old things. You should definitely read this short article if you want to know why you often find trash and how you can avoid this.

1.You use the wrong settings of the metal detector

Discrimination function

The average metal detector has a discrimination function. With this function you can ignore certain metals like aluminum and iron. This means that your metal detector won’t beep if it receives the electromagnetic field of these metal objects.

When you don’t use this setting, your metal detector will react to all the metal objects in the ground. This means that you will often find trash like drinking cans, pull tabs and nails. Therefore, you should definitely use this function!

Drinking cans are often made of aluminum and nails are made of iron. When you want to avoid these objects, you should discriminate aluminum and iron. You can choose the setting ferrous or non-ferrous on the average affordable metal detector. In that case, you should choose non-ferrous.

The more advanced and expensive metal detectors often have the option to discriminate each metal on its own. This will give you the possibility to discriminate more accurately.

Sensitivity function

All the metal detectors have a sensitivity function. When you increase the sensitivity of the metal detector there will be a larger electromagnetic field. This can cause problems in bottoms with a lot of trash.

The sensitivity of a metal detector.
Sensitivity settings of the metal detector

In the bottoms with a lot of trash you should not use a too high sensitivity level. Otherwise, the metal detector will detect way too much trash.

2.You use the wrong coil

A too large coil

There is a possibility that you may be using the wrong coil if you find yourself encountering a lot of trash with your metal detector. It could be that your current coil is too large for the task at hand.

Large coils have the advantage of detecting objects at greater depths, but they are also more susceptible to picking up unwanted items in areas with high trash or mineralization. This is because their wide and deep electromagnetic field can capture a larger range of objects, including both valuable and non-valuable items.

To minimize the amount of trash you encounter, it is advisable to switch to a smaller coil. With a smaller coil, you can more effectively discriminate against unwanted targets and focus on detecting the valuable objects. The electromagnetic field of a smaller coil is narrower and shallower, allowing for more precise targeting of smaller objects even when they are surrounded by trash.

Large coils go deeper than small coils but are not able to accurately detect individual small objects.
Large coils go deeper than small coils but are not able to accurately detect individual small objects.

The wrong coil shape

The second reason why you are finding a lot of trash is because you are using the wrong coil shape. The most common shapes are the concentric coil, the double-d coil and the monoloop coil. In my other blog I will explain the differences between these coils in detail.

But for now you should know that the concentric coil and the monoloop coil are more sensitive for finding trash. This is because both the concentric coil and the monoloop coil send out a wide electromagnetic field in a cone shape.

The double-d coil is much better for ignoring trash because the electromagnetic field produced by this coil is very thin. You can locate little objects very precisely because of this thin electromagnetic field that is send into the ground.

The Double-D coil is better in detecting individual small objects compared to the monoloop and the concentric coil.
The Double-D coil is better in detecting individual small objects compared to the monoloop and the concentric coil.

You should consider to use a double-d coil when you are tired of constantly finding trash. The double-d coil has an ellipse shape instead of a circle shape which makes it also easier to maneuver between obstacles.

3.You are searching at the wrong place

Fields where frequently crops are harvested

Pull tabs, drink cans, and similar items are often discarded on the surface by workers in fields, particularly in fields where crops are frequently harvested.

Such fields tend to have a higher concentration of trash. If you find yourself encountering an excessive amount of trash while metal detecting in these fields, it may be worth considering moving to another location.

The edge of a field

Next to the edge of a field, it is not uncommon to find trash that has been thrown by people walking along the nearby street. This is why you often come across items like drinking cans and pull tabs in those areas.

While it’s true that these edges may have a higher concentration of trash, it is important not to completely avoid them. There is a possibility that an old road or path used to run alongside the field, which was frequently traveled by people in the past. As a result, these areas can hold potential for discovering interesting artifacts.

In the past, these old roads served as transportation routes, and it is not uncommon to find items such as old coins, jewelry, thimbles, and even horseshoes in these locations. So, while you should be mindful of the presence of trash, it is worth exploring these areas for the potential historical treasures they may hold.


When you are detecting at the beach or in a busy park you have a higher chance of finding trash. This is really normal because more people will drop their trash at these places.

Last comment

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely eliminate the discovery of trash while metal detecting, even with the correct settings and coil. This is simply a part of the hobby that cannot be avoided.

However, it’s important to adopt a positive mindset regarding this aspect. If you were to only find valuable items, the sense of curiosity and excitement associated with metal detecting would diminish. The thrill of the hobby lies in the unpredictability and variety of discoveries, even if they include some unwanted trash.

Remember, each item unearthed holds its own story and contributes to the overall experience of metal detecting. Embrace the journey, and appreciate the mix of valuable finds and everyday objects you encounter along the way.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are drinking cans made of?

The most drinking cans are made of aluminum. Food cans are mostly made of steel.

How does trash end up on a field?

Trash like drinking cans end up on a field when workers throw their trash on the surface during work. The wind can also transport trash towards fields. Trash can also land on a field when there is a road next to the field. In this case, car drivers throw their trash on the surface.

Where do I find the most trash during metal detecting?

You will find the most trash on the edges of a field, in parks and on the beach.

How do I stop finding trash with my metal detector?

You should use the discrimination function. Furthermore, you should use the right coil size and the right coil shape. You should also chose the correct areas for metal detecting.


Hello Everyone, I am Jarno. I have been interested in metal detecting from an early age. I created this website to give you information about metal detecting.

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