How To Find An Old Coin With A Metal Detector?

Finding an old coin with a metal detector.

Coins are highly sought-after targets for many hobbyists due to their widespread presence. They can be found in various locations, making coin hunting an engaging pursuit.

Additionally, the wide variety of coins spanning different time periods adds to the excitement, as you never know what kind of coin you might uncover.

For those who are eager to find a coin but don’t know where to begin, this blog was created to provide guidance and valuable information. So…

…How do you actually find an old coin with a metal detector?

To find an old coin you should do mainly three things. First, find a good location to detect, such as old fairs, old farms, old paths, and old villages. Second, properly set up the discrimination and sensitivity function. Third, be patient and be lucky.

Of course, this is a really short explanation, but don’t worry. In this article I will tell you everything in detail. After reading this article you will exactly know how to find an old coin!

1. Find a good location to detect

The key to finding an old coin lies in locating a suitable detecting spot, which can be a challenging task. However, there are certain factors that can simplify the process.

One important rule to remember is to search in areas where people resided in the past. This means focusing on locations that were densely populated in earlier times.

Okay… this sounds really easy but what kind of places should I think of?

High altitudes

High altitude fields often serve as promising locations for discovering old coins, and this correlation is not by chance. In the past, many people inhabited these elevated areas, increasing the likelihood of coins being lost or dropped there. Exploring such sites can enhance your chances of unearthing valuable finds.

There are mainly two reasons why people used to live on high altitudes. The first reason is because people were better able to see their enemies from a high altitude. This means that they were better prepared for a possible fight.

The second reason is because people were better protected against floods at high altitudes. Sometimes it happened that a river overflowed its banks. When people lived at high altitudes this wasn’t a problem anymore.

Close to a water source

Back in the days, many people used to live close to a water source. This is no coincidence. People didn’t have a water tap in the house. This means that they had to shower, drink and do the laundry at a different location.

Therefore, many people used to live close to a river, a lake or a ditch. This means that you have a good chance of finding an old coin at these places.

Old villages

Old villages present favorable opportunities for discovering ancient coins due to the likelihood of past human habitation. Identifying old villages can be facilitated by observing certain indicators.

Firstly, examining the street names within a village can reveal its age. Old villages often bear names like St. Paul’s Road or St. Thomas’s Road.

Secondly, examining the presence of historic structures like churches and holy statues in the town center can further confirm its antiquity. Many old villages feature such landmarks, making them potential hotspots for coin detection.

Strange field shapes

Modern rectangular fields, designed for efficient agricultural practices, may not be as promising for finding old coins. Yet, it is still possible to discover coins in such fields.

For a higher chance of finding old coins, focus on detecting near unadapted fields with irregular shapes. To identify these fields, consult recent satellite maps of the area you intend to search and select those with diverse and uneven shapes.

This strategic approach increases the likelihood of uncovering valuable coins.

Some more examples

Of course, there are way more good places where you can find old coins. Always keep in mind that you should detect at places where many people used to live back in the days!

For example, you can search at a place where a lot of fairs where held back. Many people came to these places. Therefore, you have a good chance to find an old coin.

You should also consider to search at old farms and old paths. These places attracted many people back in the days. This means that you have a good chance to find old coins at these places.

2. Use the correct metal detector settings

When you have found a good spot it is time for the next step. The next step is to set up your metal detector. This is very important because it will be more difficult to find an old coin if you use the wrong metal detector settings.

The discrimination setting

The first setting that you have to adjust is the discrimination setting. With the discrimination mode you can ignore certain metals that you don’t want to find. If you don’t use the discrimination mode, the metal detector reacts to all the materials (including iron, aluminum and stuff like that).

To optimize your chances of finding coins, it is recommended to utilize the preset discrimination setting labeled “coins” on your metal detector. If your detector does not have this specific preset, you can manually adjust the discrimination mode.

In doing so, ensure that low-conductive materials such as iron and aluminum are disregarded or ignored during your search. This discrimination setting helps filter out unwanted signals, allowing you to focus on valuable coin targets.

Discrimination Setting for finding coins.

The sensitivity setting

The second setting that you have to adjust is the sensitivity function. The sensitivity function determines how strong your metal detector reacts to the electromagnetic field of the target.

When you use a high sensitivity level, the metal detector will react very quickly. If you use a low sensitivity, on the other hand, the metal detector won’t react very quickly.

If you want to find an old coin, you should use the highest sensitivity level as possible. This means that your metal detector will react to the electromagnetic field of little targets like coins.

The sensitivity function of a metal detector.

You have to decrease the sensitivity level when your metal detector keeps giving false signals (when it keeps beeping). This can happen when there is a lot of mineralization in the bottom. It can also happen when you are searching in a trashy bottom.

3. Patience is the key to success

The last step to find an old coin is also the most difficult step. This step is called ‘patience’. It is not easy to find an old coin because it is a rare target. This means that you should not give up when you don’t immediately find an old coin.

If you apply the steps above, you will definitely find an old coin sooner or later!

What kind of metal detector do I need to find an old coin?

Basically, you can use any metal detector to find an old coin. However, newer and more expensive models are often better than older and cheaper ones. The newer and more expensive metal detectors have a relatively good ability to identify coins compared to older models.

In general, it is a really good idea to use a metal detector that has both a discrimination and sensitivity function. This makes it much easier for you to find an old coin.

If you are using an older metal detector you should ignore the lower tones because this often indicates iron or aluminum (trash). On the other hand, you should go for the higher tones. These tones indicate high conductive materials like a coin.  

Do I need a pinpointer to find a coin?

No, you don’t need a pinpointer to find a coin. However, using a pinpointer can make it much more easy to find a coin. This is because you can locate the coin very accurately with a pinpointer. This saves you a lot of time when you are metal detecting.

Let me explain this in detail. A pinpointer is actually the small version of a metal detector. You can locate targets very accurately because the pinpointer can only detect targets within a few inches.  

You can also go in the hole with a pinpointer. If the coin is still in the hole after digging, you can find the coin really quickly with the help of a pinpointer.

Therefore, I highly recommend using a proper pinpointer if you want to find an old coin. In my other blog, you can find all the information you need about using a pinpointer effectively.

Final Conclusion

All in all, if you want to find an old coin you should follow three main steps. The first thing that you have to do is to find a good location where you want to detect. Try to search at places where many people have lived back in the days. Think about old fairs, old farms, old paths, strange field shapes and old villages.

The second thing that you have to do is to properly set up the metal detector. To do this, you should adjust both the discrimination and the sensitivity function. This means that you ignore trash like iron and aluminum.

The last step is to be patient. Old coins are very rare targets which means that it will take some time before you succeed to find one. Good Luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you find a gold coin with a metal detector?

Yes, you can find a gold coin with a metal detector because gold also produces an electromagnetic field that your metal detector can recognize. However, gold coins are very rare. Therefore, the chance of finding a gold coin is not very high.

How do I clean an old coin?

You should try to clean it with using warm water. Furthermore, you can try to use some salt and lemon juice. Moreover, you can try to use some baking soda. After this, you should scrub it with a smooth toothbrush.

Is it possible that you can find an old coin at the bottom surface?

Yes, it is possible that you find an old coin at the surface. This can happen because the coin can end up on the surface after a tractor has plowed the ground.

On what depth do you usually find old coins with a metal detector?

The average depth where the most old coins have been found is around the 4 to 6 inches. You may also find the coin deeper. You can even find an old coin shallower than this depth.


Hello Everyone, I am Jarno. I have been interested in metal detecting from an early age. I created this website to give you information about metal detecting.

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