How Much Does A Metal Detector Weigh?

The weight of a metal detector.
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A metal detector consists of several components, including the coil, control box, shaft, and armrest. One might assume that a metal detector would be quite heavy due to these parts.

However, in reality, most metal detectors are surprisingly lightweight. Manufacturers have designed them to be light in order to prevent strain on your arms while metal detecting. So…

… How heavy is a metal detector actually?

The average weight of a metal detector ranges from 2 to 3 pounds (1 to 1.5 kg). The lightest VLF metal detector weighs around 1.8 pounds (0.8 kg), while the heaviest VLF metal detector weighs about 3.3 pounds (1.5 kg).

Generally, VLF metal detectors tend to be lighter compared to PI metal detectors. The control box and the coil contribute the most to the overall weight of the metal detector.

In this article, I will provide a comparison of the weights of various metal detectors from different brands. By the end of this brief read, you will have a clear understanding of the weight variations among different models.

Additionally, we will explore which parts of a metal detector contribute the most to its overall weight.

How is the weight distributed over the metal detector?

The weight distribution of a metal detector is not uniform, with certain parts being heavier than others. The primary contributors to the overall weight are the coil, control box, and armrest.

On average, the coil weighs around 1 lbs (450/500 grams). It’s important to note that the weight can vary depending on the size and shape of the coil. Smaller coils, measuring less than 6 inches, typically weigh about 0.77 lbs (350 grams).

Coils ranging from 6 to 11 inches weigh approximately 1 lbs (450/500 grams), while larger coils over 11 inches can weigh around 1.8 lbs (800 grams).

The control box, on average, weighs about 1 lbs (450/500 grams). However, the weight can differ significantly across different control box models. Modern control boxes tend to be lighter compared to older ones due to advancements in technology. I will delve into this further in the subsequent sections of this article.

The armrest, another substantial component, typically weighs around 0.33 lbs (150 grams). The armrest provides support and helps alleviate strain during metal detecting sessions.

When considering the other parts of the metal detector, their combined weight is approximately 0.33 lbs (150 grams). Consequently, the overall weight of an average metal detector is relatively light.

This lightweight design offers several advantages, including reduced strain on the arms and easier portability during metal detecting activities.

The weight distribution of a metal detector.

Metal detector weight comparison

As mentioned earlier, the average weight of a metal detector falls within the range of 2 to 3 pounds. To provide you with a clearer perspective on the weight of popular metal detectors, refer to the horizontal bar chart below.

The chart illustrates that the weight of each detector generally falls between 2 and 3 pounds, with the exception of the Rutus Atrex.

It’s worth noting that the variations in weight among different metal detectors are relatively minor, and most users won’t even notice the differences while engaged in metal detecting activities.

These slight variations in weight are primarily attributable to the differences in coil size, control box design, and shaft construction across various metal detector models.

A bar chart of the weight of different metal detectors. It is noticeable that almost all metal detectors weigh between the 2 and 3 lbs.

The metal detector’s weight is more important for children that want to start with metal detecting. It is therefore extremely important to choose the right metal detector, otherwise the fun will soon be over because the detector is too heavy.

If you want to know the best metal detectors for a child, you should take a look at my blog where I mention four good machines for a child between the 8 and 12 years old.

Weight comparison between VLF and PI metal detectors

There are mainly two types of metal detectors. These are the very low frequency (VLF) metal detector and the pulse induction (PI) metal detector. The weight between these two types of metal detectors varies greatly. The reason for this is because the weight of the control box between the two metal detectors is different.

The reason for this weight difference is because the pulse induction machine often have larger control boxes. These control boxes contain more complicated and elaborate electronics since it uses a completely different technique than VLF metal detectors.

This means that in general, pulse induction metal detectors are heavier than very low frequency metal detectors. To clarify this, I made a little bar chart. In this bar chart, the average weight of 20 different VLF and 20 PI metal detectors can be seen.

Bar chart of the weight of 20 VLF and 20 PI metal detectors. It is noticeable that the average pulse induction metal detector is much heavier.

Why is a metal detector so light?

1. The material

Modern metal detectors commonly feature a shaft made of black carbon fiber. Carbon fiber offers a notable advantage as it combines exceptional strength with lightness.

In fact, carbon fiber is approximately five times stronger than steel. This exceptional strength-to-weight ratio is achieved because carbon is positioned low on the periodic table, resulting in extremely thin fibers. As a result, the shaft of a metal detector made from carbon fiber weighs only around 0.2 lbs (50 to 100 grams)!

Additionally, advancements in technology have led to lighter control boxes in newer metal detector models. Traditional heavy batteries, often 9V, have been replaced with lightweight built-in batteries.

Furthermore, the control box itself has undergone size reduction. These developments contribute to both weight reduction and improved ergonomics.

Similarly, the coils of modern metal detectors have become thinner compared to those found in older models. This ongoing trend toward thinner coils has further reduced the weight of metal detectors over time.

2. Avoiding sore arms

The main reason why these metal detectors are produced so lightly is to avoid sore arms and to carry the detector with you. During metal detecting, you constantly sweep the detector from the left to the right.

When you do this for a too long time, your arm will start to hurt. When the detector is very light, this problem will be prevented.

If you still experience that your arms start to hurt after a certain period of time, you should consider to use a metal detector harness or a metal detector sling. In my other blog, you can read more about this.

What kind of people need an extra light metal detector?

As said before, the weight differences between all the machines are very small. However, for some people these little differences will have a huge impact on their metal detecting experience.

For children, people with a tennis arm and people with back problems it is extremely important to use a light metal detector.

For children it is important to use a light metal detector because they are not able to swing a heavy metal detector from the left to the right over a long period of time. Luckily enough, there are some good light metal detectors for them. Think about the Nokta Makro Midi Hoard or the Minelab Go Find 22.

Furthermore, it is important for people with a tennis arm to avoid heavy metal detectors. If they would use a heavy metal detector, the pain will only get worse.

Last but not least, people with back problems should use an extra light metal detector. When swinging your metal detector from the left to the right, a lot of weight will be absorbed by your back. This means that it is very important for these people to use a light metal detector. They should also consider to use a metal detector harness.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the heaviest parts of a metal detector?

In general, the coil, the control box and the armrest are the heaviest parts of a metal detector. These parts weigh approximately 2 lbs together.

Why is the control box of a metal detector so heavy?

The most of the time, the control box is so heavy because it contains several batteries. Furthermore the electronics of the metal detector can be found in the control box. These electronics also weigh relatively much.

Why is the coil of a metal detector so heavy?

The coil of a metal detector is relatively heavy because it contains many copper wires. Copper is a relatively heavy metal.


Hello Everyone, I am Jarno. I have been interested in metal detecting from an early age. I created this website to give you information about metal detecting.

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