How Does A Coin End Up On A Field?

How does a coin end up on a field?

Most people are looking for cool, old coins when they go metal detecting. You have a really good chance of finding some old coins when you are detecting in the right field. But have you ever wondered why coins are mainly found in fields?

It is very interesting to find out how an old coin ends up on a field. So, how does a coin end up on a field?

Back in the days, people used hay as underfloor heating in their house. They threw this hay on the surface of a field when it was dirty. This hay contained lost coins from the household. There is also a chance that people lost a coin during fairs or during their work on a field back in the days. Last but not least, some people lost a coin along old paths.

In this article I will tell you in detail how old coins ended up on a field. I will also give you some good tips for finding good places for old coins. If you want to find old coins, you should definitely read this article!

Spreading hay waste over a land surface

Back in the day, people didn’t have proper heating in their houses. Most people lived in houses built of wood without good insulation, so it could get very cold inside during the winter.

To keep warm, people used hay as insulation. They spread it over the floor, creating underfloor heating. Eventually, the hay became dirty and needed to be replaced.

But back then, there were no garbage containers or dumps. People simply swept the old hay together and threw it onto an old cart. Then they took the cart to a nearby field and spread the hay over the surface.

You can imagine that there were also lost coins and stuff like that in the hay. When the hay decomposed, metal objects like coins remained on the surface. After this, the coins were buried under the sand.

Activities with many visitors

It’s possible that current fields were used for activities such as cattle and commodity trade in the past, which attracted a lot of people. At these fairs, people often carried a lot of coins with them and many coins may have been lost during negotiations.

In addition, cemeteries, churches, and public wash houses were also places that attracted a lot of people in the past. There is a good chance that these activities took place at the location of the current fields, which is why a lot of coins can be found there.

Farmers who worked on the land

Back in the days, many people produced their own food. That is why agriculture was really important for the most people. This means that many people spent a lot of time on the land.

Sometimes these farmers lost some coins during their work on a land. When these coins were buried by leaves and branches from trees, they were not able to find them back.

Old roads and paths

The roads and paths used to be very different from the roads nowadays. Back in the day, the paths and roads were made from sand and stones. Many people used these sandy paths to fetch water from a river, or they used these paths for their heavy carts, packed with hay or crops.

As people traveled along these paths, it was not uncommon for them to drop or lose coins without realizing it. Over time, the sand and stones would shift and settle, burying these lost coins deep beneath the surface.

Unfortunately, many of these paths and roads have since disappeared over time. However, there are still some places where these old paths can still be found! These locations can be great places to search for old metal objects such as coins.

Old warzones

Places where have been a lot of war are good locations to find old coins. Soldiers often had to lie down and stand up again. The soldiers lost a lot of coins by doing this. That is why you will find a lot of coins in old warzones.

Always be aware of the dangers and risks of old warzones. There might be unexploded bombs and land mines so it is really dangerous to go to these areas. You must enter the area at your own risk.

What are good places to find a coin?

The best places to find a coin are the places where there was a lot of human activity back in the days. Think of places where fairs were held or places near to an old path. High-altitude areas close to a water source are also very good for finding old coins.

Old fairs

As mentioned earlier in this article, places where old fairs were held are good places to find old coins. People came with a lot of coins in their pockets to these places. The chance that they lost coins at these places is relatively high.

Old paths

As mentioned earlier, fields and old paths were locations where people often lost coins. Many people used these paths in the past, increasing the chance of coins being lost along the way.

High-altitude areas close to a water source

One of the most common places where you can find coins is on high-altitudes close to a water source. Back in the days, people didn’t have water from the tap. This means that these people had to fetch water from rivers or ditches.

Therefore, areas close to a water source, such as rivers or ditches, were often heavily inhabited, making them ideal locations for finding old coins.

Not only the presence of a water source was important, but also the altitude. People often established their houses on high altitudes to protect their houses from floods. The high-altitude also gave these people the ability to see their enemies from a long distance.

If you want to have a good chance of finding old coins, you should definitely go to these places!

Old villages

Another good place to find old coins is in old villages, as it is quite certain that these areas were inhabited in the past. You can recognize old villages by their old churches and street names.

You can also check a satellite map of the specific village to confirm if it is an old village. When the shape of a field is rectangular, it means that it was adjusted by people not too long ago. Old villages often have fields with more varying shapes.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are indications that there has been a lot of human activity in an area?

Old street names and potsherds may be an indication that there has been human activity in the area.

What are good places to find old coins?

The best places to find a coin are the places where there was a lot of human activity back in the days. Think of places where fairs were held or places near to an old path. High-altitude areas close to a water source are also very good to find old coins.

Do I still have a chance to find a coin after someone has searched the area before?

Yes, you still have a chance to find a coin. You have the highest chance of finding a coin if a farmer has plowed the ground. This brings old sand from a depth to the surface, including coins.


Hello Everyone, I am Jarno. I have been interested in metal detecting from an early age. I created this website to give you information about metal detecting.

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