Can You Find Gold In The Netherlands?

Finding gold in the Netherlands with a metal detector.

Many people dream about finding gold so they can sell it for a high amount of money. Finding gold is really popular in the USA but what about Europe? In this article I will focus on finding gold in the Netherlands. Can you actually find gold in the Netherlands?

Yes, it is possible to find gold in the Netherlands, but this refers to the natural concentration of gold that exists everywhere on Earth. This means that your metal detector won’t be able to detect these small concentrations of gold. However, you can still search for gold grains in the rivers of the Netherlands by using a gold pan.

The slow-flowing areas of the rivers in the Netherlands contain a small concentration of eroded gold from higher altitudes. This means that you can actually find gold in the Netherlands by using a gold pan.

In this article, I will explain how gold is formed on Earth and provide detailed information on how to find gold in the Netherlands. Additionally, I will mention the best places to search for gold in the country.

If you’re interested in finding gold in the Netherlands, this article is a must-read!

How is gold formed on Earth?

Approximately 130 million years ago, two massive neutron stars collided with each other. These neutron stars contained gold and were at least ten times heavier than our current sun.

As a result of the collision, the gold from these stars was scattered throughout the universe and eventually reached Earth during a meteor shower. This is why gold can be found all over the planet.

This does not mean that gold is easy to find everywhere. The most of the gold is located in the earth’s core. Only a little percentage can be found in the earth’s crust. This gold in the earth’s crust is also hard to find.

Does the Netherlands have gold in the soil?

Yes, the soils in the Netherlands contain gold, but this is only the natural concentration gold that you will find everywhere on Earth. This means that you won’t easily find gold nuggets in the Netherlands. You have the highest chance of finding gold in the rivers in the Netherlands.

It’s important to understand why finding gold nuggets in the Netherlands is unlikely. High concentrations of gold are typically found in volcanic areas that have a lot of earth faults.

These faults create a pressure difference between the fault and the surrounding area, which can turn the water in the faults into steam. When this happens, gold will precipitate.

However, in the Netherlands, there is no volcanic activity and very few earth faults. The faults that do exist are not large enough to cause the precipitation of gold. As a result, it’s unlikely that you’ll find gold nuggets in the country.

Does this mean that I can’t find gold with my metal detector in the Netherlands?

Finding a high enough concentration of gold in the Netherlands that your metal detector can detect requires a great deal of luck. While it’s not impossible, it’s not a reliable method for finding gold in the country.

In fact, a few years ago, two individuals found gold in the Nijverdal area of the Netherlands, which prompted further investigation. Unfortunately, the results showed that the gold was not economically profitable enough to exploit.

Therefore, if you’re interested in finding gold in the Netherlands, your best option is to use a gold pan in certain areas where small concentrations of eroded gold may be present. Alternatively, you can search for gold coins that were used in the Netherlands during the 19th century using your metal detector.

What are good places in the Netherlands for finding gold?

If you’re looking for the best places to find gold in the Netherlands, you should focus on slow-flowing areas of the rivers. Here, if you’re lucky, you may be able to find small gold grains using a gold pan. This eroded gold originates from rocks at the beginning of the catchment area of the river in high-altitude areas.

In the Netherlands there are three main rivers: the Meuse, the Rhine and the Waal. The Meuse originates in France. The Rhine originates in the alps and the Waal is the main branch of the Rhine.

If you’re looking to find small amounts of gold in the Netherlands, you should focus on slow-flowing areas of these rivers and use a gold pan to search. In these areas, the flow rate of the river is low enough for gold grains to settle to the riverbed

If you’re looking for larger gold nuggets, it may be better to search in other European countries that are closer to the origin of the rivers. In these areas, there is a higher chance of finding larger, uneroded nuggets because they haven’t been carried down the river yet

Switzerland, Germany, France or Italy are good places for finding bigger gold nuggets.

What kind of metal detector should I use for finding gold?

Gold is often located in bottoms with a lot of natural metal components. This is called bottom mineralization. This means that there are a lot of minerals in the bottom that can set off your metal detector. Therefore, a good metal detector that can filter these minerals a must!

A metal detector with both a discrimination and sensitivity function.

Therefore, if you want to use a metal detector to find gold, you should use a metal detector that has both a discrimination and sensitivity function. This allows you to distinguish gold from other materials in these highly mineralized bottoms.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best countries in Europe for finding gold?

The best countries for finding gold in Europe are countries that have some tectonic activity. Spain, Italy, Switzerland and France are very good countries for finding high concentrations of gold.

Where can you find gold nuggets?

The most gold nuggets can be found close to areas with a lot of tectonic activity. The origin of a river can also be a good place. The further you go from the origin of a river, the more the gold nuggets may be eroded.

What is good metal detector for finding gold?

Good metal detectors are devices that are able to filter different materials because gold is often find in high mineralized soils. This means that the metal detector needs to have a discrimination and sensitivity function.


Hello Everyone, I am Jarno. I have been interested in metal detecting from an early age. I created this website to give you information about metal detecting.

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