Are Rivers Good For Metal Detecting?

Metal Detecting in a river.

Experienced metal detectorists like to go for new challenges. One of these challenges that add and extra layer of excitement and adventure to someone’s metal detecting experience is metal detecting in the water.

Therefore, many detectorists go metal detecting in the sea, in lakes and in shallow creeks. But what about metal detecting in the river…

…Are rivers a good spot for metal detecting?

Yes, a river can be a really good place to go metal detecting because there has been a lot of human activity throughout history. Unfortunately, there are also many things that make metal detecting in a river really difficult. Think about rocks, debris, a strong current and deep water. Moreover, you need a proper waterproof metal detector which means that not all metal detectors are suitable.

In this blog, I will tell you everything that you need to know about metal detecting in a river. After reading this blog, you will know what kind of metal detector you need. You will also get to know the best spots in the river to go metal detecting.

Last but not least, I will tell you in which rivers you are and are not allowed to use a metal detector. Enjoy Reading!

How do I find a good river to go metal detecting?

It is the most easiest and most convenient to go metal detecting in your local river. However, some rivers are definitely better than others. It is therefore really important to choose a suitable river to go metal detecting to increase your chances of finding valuable stuff.

If you want to find a good river to go metal detecting you should do some research in advance. Look for rivers that are known as recreational hot spots. Look for popular spots in the river where many people congregate.

You can also check historical maps for old river crossings and old campgrounds. Last but not least, you can join magnet fishing clubs and forums. Maybe your fellow detectorists have some good tips for you. Notice that you need to have permission to go metal detecting in the river!

While selecting a river it is very important to take into account a number of factors. The most important things are;

  • A low flow rate. This increases the chances that your target hasn’t been carried away with the current of the river. Furthermore, it makes it easier for you to stand in the river and to dig.
  • Shallow water. It is also very important that you go metal detecting in a river where you are able to stand. This means that the river needs to have shallow water.
  • A place where many people gather (or have gathered back in the days). In order to find a metal target it is important that you search at a place with a lot of human activity. Some good spots to go metal detecting will be discussed in the next subheading.
  • Permission. You need to have permission to go metal detecting in the river. Therefore, always check the laws and regulations beforehand and see if your local authorities allow metal detecting in the rivers.

Which spots in the river are the best for metal detecting?

The best spots for metal detecting in the river.

A river could be a really good place to go metal detecting. However, some spots in (or close to) the river are more suitable than others for metal detecting.

The best spots in the river for metal detecting are under bridges and overpasses, riverbanks, sandbars, shallow areas, rock formations, old docks and piers, swimming areas, swirls and eddies and fishing areas. In general, you should metal detect at the places where many people gather (or have gathered back in the days).

Maybe you are interested why these places in the river are so good for metal detecting. Therefore, let’s discuss every location in detail!

1. Under bridges and overpasses

When you see a bridge or overpass above the river, you should definitely try to metal detect under these structures. The reason for this is because many people (pedestrians, cyclists, runners) cross these structures which means that you have a good chance to find people’s lost stuff.

Furthermore, bridges have been used for many years (even in the Middle Ages) which means that you will also be able to find old lost stuff like coins, thimbles and other artifacts.

Moreover, in the river under bridges and overpasses you will often find many obstructions in the water (often created by the pillars of the bridge). These obstructions will accumulate metal objects around them that you can find.

2. Riverbanks and point bars

These are good places in the river to go metal detecting due to the shallow water depth and the low current of the river. This allows you to stand in the water without getting wet legs (in case you wear proper boots of course).

In fact, a point bar is the accumulation of sand and other particles (like silver and gold) in the inner bend of the river (often in a meandering river). A point bar is (just as the riverbank) a place with a low current. This means that potential metal targets won’t be carried away with the flow of the river.

Point bars are especially really popular among prospectors because little silver and gold particles (eroded from sources upstream) will sink to the bottom! To find these little valuable particles, gold pans are mostly used.

3. Sandbars

A sandbar is a shallow part in the river where sand accumulation takes place. Furthermore, there is a low current at these places. Because of these suitable properties, sandbars have been widely used by humans throughout history.  

This human activity also means that there is a high chance that people lost things such as jewelry, rings and keys!

4. Shallow areas

A really general, but still a fantastic spot are all the shallow places in the river. The reason why these spots are so good for metal detecting is because you are simply able stand, dig with your shovel (or sand scoop) and swing with your metal detector. Furthermore, the river flows very gently here making it a place where targets can accumulate in the sand!

5. Rock formations

You must be thinking: ‘’Rock Formations?’’, That’s weird! No it is not! Close to rock formations (quite big obstructions in the water) you will find accumulated stuff.

The reason for this is because potential targets get trapped between the rocks. Furthermore, rocks in the river can cause eddies and swirling currents. These currents can, in turn, cause heavier objects to settle in one area.

Another reason why you should go metal detecting close to rock formations is because these rock formations are places where people historically spent a lot of time. Moreover, many fishermen stand on these rocks to fish in the river.

6. Other good spots in the river

Of course, there are way more other good spots in the river to go metal detector. The other (most common) spots to metal detect in the river are;

  • Old docks and piers
  • Swimming areas
  • Fishing areas

What equipment do you need for river metal detecting?

All right… metal detecting in the river can be very successful if you properly use your metal detector with the right technique. However, you also need some other equipment to succeed with metal detecting in the river.

For metal detecting in a river you need a waterproof metal detector, a (long-handled) sand scoop, proper waterproof boots, a waterproof pinpointer, a pouch or bag, gloves and waterproof clothes. It may also be useful bring a shovel and a gold pan with you. In the summer, it is recommended to also bring some bug spray with you.

The most important is definitely a waterproof metal detector. Luckily, almost every modern metal detector has a waterproof coil which means that the most metal detectors are suitable for metal detecting in a river.

However, if you want to detect at greater depths (which means that the control box of the metal detector will also go underwater), you need a fully waterproof metal detector!

Besides using a waterproof metal detector it is important to bring a sand scoop with you. A sand scoop looks a little bit like a strainer. First, you simply dig up soil from the bottom of the river. After this, you shake the sand scoop in the water. When you do this, only the larger components (like your target) will remain in the sand scoop.

It is also highly recommended to use waterproof boots because there could be sharp objects like rocks, gravel and fishing gear on the bottom of the river.

Other (less important in my opinion) equipment that you can use when metal detecting in a river are a waterproof pinpointer (this looks like a little metal detector), a pouch to store your finds, gloves (to protect your hands) and waterproof clothes.

I would also recommend you to bring some spare dry clothes with you. Otherwise, you could become hypothermic after your metal detecting adventure! Last but not least, bring some bug spray with you in the summer because there are a lot of annoying insects close to a river.

What type of targets are commonly found in the river with a metal detector?

Targets that you can find with a metal detector in the river!

River metal detecting is really popular among many metal detectorists due to the unique and valuable stuff that can be found in rivers.

During metal detecting in the river you can find objects such as jewelry, coins, fishing gear, knives, screwdrivers, bicycle parts, GoPro’s, phones, historical artifacts, keys and other modern stuff. Unfortunately, you will also find a lot of trash like drinking cans, nails, bottle caps, pull tabs and other miscellaneous times.

As you can see, by searching in a river with a metal detector you will be able to find many different things compared to searching in the fields. However, the chance of finding trash in a river is relatively high because many people drop trash in the river.

If you want to avoid finding trash with a metal detector, I would advise you to take a quick look at my other blog where I explain you how you can avoid trash like pull tabs, bottle caps and drinking cans.

What are the dangers of metal detecting in a river?

An alligator. This is an example of a danger when metal detecting in a river.

Unfortunately, metal detecting in a river can also be quite dangerous. It is therefore really important to know these dangers before you enter a river with your metal detector.

During metal detecting in a river you have to deal with some dangers. The most important dangers are a fast flow rate, uneven beds, boats, tree roots, rocks, dangerous animals and fishing lures on the bottom. By being well prepared for this, you reduce the chance that you will have to deal with these dangers.

First of all; the fast flow rate of the river. Many rivers have a strong current. Sometimes this current can be so strong that you get carried away with the river. Therefore, you should avoid these wild rivers.

Second, the uneven beds in the river. This could be really dangerous because you can easily lose your footing and slip away. This could lead to some nasty injuries.

Third, the boats that cross the river. Boats are dangerous because they cause heavy waves. These waves can, in turn, drag you into the river. Furthermore, boats are often so heavy that it is difficult for these boats to swerve.

Fourth, the presence of stones and branches on the bottom. On the one hand they can hurt your feet (therefore, always wear boots!), on the other they will damage your metal detecting equipment (like your coil). Therefore, I would advise you to use a skid plate!

Last but not least, rivers are home to many dangerous animals like snakes, alligators, piranhas, electrical eels, stingrays, hippopotamuses and many more. Therefore, I would advise you to go metal detecting with a buddy (like your friend or family member). The reason for this is that you can warn each other in time!

How do I stay safe when metal detecting in a river?

As you have seen, there are actually quite some dangers when metal detecting in a river. Luckily enough, there are some things that you can do to reduce or even avoid these dangers!

First of all; ALWAYS wear a life jacket. Furthermore, you should check the water conditions before you enter the river. It is also recommended to wear proper footwear and clothes. Moreover, you should only detect at shallow water together with a friend. Last but not least, always keep an eye on your surroundings and follow the local safety guidelines.

These safety guidelines of the river can often be found by contacting your local authorities or checking the website of your local river!

What type of metal detector do I need for metal detecting in a river?

As mentioned earlier in this blog, it is really important that you use a suitable metal detector when you want to metal detect in the river. But.. what is actually a suitable metal detector that I can use to metal detect in a river…

If you want to metal detect in a river, you need a metal detector with a waterproof coil. If you also want to detect in deep water, you need a fully waterproof metal detector. Furthermore, the metal detector needs to have a sensitivity and discrimination function.

In fact, many modern metal detectors already have a waterproof coil, a sensitivity function and a discrimination function which means that the most metal detectors are suitable for river metal detecting. Some really good machines (that I would recommend you to take a look at) are;

  • The Quest X10 Pro
  • The Nokta Makro Simplex +
  • The Minelab Equinox 600/700/800

Am I allowed to go metal detecting in all rivers?

Unfortunately, you are not allowed to go metal detecting in all rivers. Whether you are allowed to go metal detecting in a river depends on the laws and regulations in your place. Very often, you are not allowed to go metal detecting in protected rivers and rivers with historical significance. Sometimes, you also need a permit to go metal detecting in a river. Therefore, always check the rules regarding metal detecting!

Always stick to your local metal detecting rules. You can often find these rules by your local authorities such as the park rangers or your local police. The most of the time these rules tell you that you should take care at the environment and wildlife, that you need to have permission, that you should not leave any trash behind and that you should respect the cultural sites.


Frequently Asked Questions

How deep can I detect in a river with my metal detector?

This depends on the type of metal detector that you are using, the composition of the river bottom, the size of the metal object and the conductivity of the target. In general, a metal detector will be able to detect a target up to 6 – 9 inches in fresh water.

Can I keep what I find with my metal detector in a river?

This depends on the location where you are searching. Sometimes, you are allowed to keep what you find but sometimes you are not. If you find something with a historical or cultural significance you can’t keep it. If you want to know whether you can keep your finds, you should check the local rules in your area.

What should I do if I find something of historical significance while metal detecting in a river?

When you find a target of historical significance you should leave it on the exact place you found it. Make some pictures and note other details like the location, the time and the date. Furthermore, report your find by your local authorities. They will probably take the lead and start an investigation. You have to follow their instructions!

What should I do when I find trash with my metal detector in a river?

When you find trash with your metal detector in a river, you should not leave the trash in the river. Take the trash home and put in the right litter bin. This way we clean our rivers and improve the environment.


Hello Everyone, I am Jarno. I have been interested in metal detecting from an early age. I created this website to give you information about metal detecting.

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